Decisions in relation to the Garden Village are taken in a number of ways.
Governance arrangements have been set up for the project which reflect the ambition for the development to be truly locally led.
The Delivery Board is responsible for steering the project and taking non-statutory decisions. The Delivery Board currently comprises:
- Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration, MDDC (Chair)
- Leader, MDDC
- Chief Executive, MDDC
- Director of Place, MDDC
- Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Environment and Transport, DCC
- Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment, DCC
- 2 elected representatives from Cullompton Town Council (one non-voting)
- Chair and Vice Chair of Kentisbeare Parish Council
- Heart of the South West LEP representative
- MP
- Highways England representatives (non-voting)
- Homes England representative (non-voting)
- 2 representatives from the Landowner Forum (non-voting)
- 2 representatives from the Stakeholder Forum (non-voting)
Alongside the Delivery Board is the Stakeholder Forum. This Forum makes recommendations to the Project Team and Delivery Board and has so far been widely involved in vision and concept and masterplanning work. The Stakeholder Forum comprises representatives from a number of local organisations including Cullompton Town Council, Kentisbeare Parish Council, Cullompton Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, sports clubs, schools, doctors' surgeries and the NHS, bus company, arts groups and business groups. Members of this Forum are also involved in various topic related working groups and workstreams.
There is also a Landowner Forum comprising landowners with an interest in the Garden Village area, and their representatives. This Forum works closely with the Project Team and Delivery Board.

Culm Garden Village Governance Structure
Statutory decisions
Statutory decisions will continue to be taken by the relevant authority, for example, Mid Devon's Cabinet and full Council will approve all policies and supplementary planning documents, and Mid Devon's Planning Committee will be responsible for making decisions on planning applications.
Delivery Board Minutes
Stakeholder Forum Notes
Cullompton & District Members Forum Minutes
Public involvement
Each stage of the statutory process for delivering the Garden Village will be subject to extensive and ongoing public consultation and engagement. Details of all public consultations will be published on this website with details of how you can have your say.
This website will be also publish links to details of any planning applications submitted in relation to the Garden Village.
Get involved
For details of how to get involved, please see the Get involved page.