Culm Garden Village
Devon County Council's engagement on options for improvements to Junction 28 of the M5, including the Town Centre Relief Road has now closed. For more information please see the Devon County Council consultation website.
Culm Garden Village is one of only 14 areas awarded Garden Village Status by the Government in January 2017. Located to the east of Cullompton, the Garden Village has the potential to deliver up to 5,000 sustainable new homes in a country park landscape, with jobs, community facilities and transport, all integrated with Cullompton itself.
A modern take on traditional Garden City principles developed in the 19th Century, Culm is intended to have its own Garden Village vision and principles developed with the local community and reflected throughout the development. Culm is proposed to be a healthy and sociable new settlement set within a natural environment and offering high-quality affordable housing and locally accessible jobs. It is intended that Culm is integrated with Cullompton and provides benefits for existing and new residents and businesses alike. It has the potential to be an ambitious modern new community that is right for Mid Devon and Cullompton.
Taking a landscape led approach to planning, the Garden Village is intended ensure the development makes the most of its landscape setting, and creates a green and leafy place with large areas of green space for sport, leisure and wildlife.
To view and comment on submitted planning applications, please see the link below in the News section.
Read more about Garden City Principles
Town & County Planning Association Garden City Principles
Why visit this website?
Information in relation to the development of the garden village will be available on this website. We will also publish updates on progress with the project, public consultation materials and details of how to have your say.

Where is Culm Garden Village?

Junction 28 and Town Centre Relief Road engagement
Devon County Council's engagement on options for improvements to Junction 28 of the M5, which includes the Cullompton Town Centre Relief Road is now closed. For more information, please see the Devon County Council consultation website.

Planning applications
To view submitted planning applications, please see details on Public Access. To view and comment on the applications, click on the link below and type the planning references into the search box:
22/00338/MOUT Outline for the erection of up to 36 dwellings and associated open space, landscaping and infrastructure
23/01440/MOUT Outline application with details of access for demolition of existing structures and development of residential dwellings (up to 1,100 dwellings) and elderly accommodation (up to 118 units), village centre uses, primary school, public open space, play areas, wildlife areas, associated infrastructure and landscaping

East Cullompton Masterplan SPD
Following public consultation, the Masterplan SPD was approved by Mid Devon's Cabinet on 7 February 2023, with a recommendation to full Council for adoption. Full Council approved the adoption of the SPD on 26 April 2023. The final Masterplan SPD, adoption statement, and details of feedback from the public consultation are available on the Masterplanning page.